SalesSpider: The Business Network : A Tiny Thought

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SalesSpider: The Business Network

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 Browsing through Inc. Magazine’s website, we stumbled upon an article about the new sector of online business networking. We found it interesting and plan on researching this further. But for now we thought we’d pass on the basic idea of websites like SalesSpider to our readers.

The new and trendy way to communicate nowadays is through social networking mediums, such as Facebook or LinkedIn. Forget face to face interaction, while tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language cannot be portrayed through the simple typing of keys, social networking websites make connecting immediate.

Now there’s a website to help start-ups and small businesses spread their message through social media. It’s called SalesSpider and it gives businesses the opportunity to share their goals and needs and find customers or connect with other businesses. You can sign up as an individual or a business to promote your business yourself or make sales leads for free.

SalesSpider recognizes that it’s important for small businesses to have a steady cash flow, especially in the first couple years, because that’s what so often makes or breaks their success. Small businesses often find it difficult to reach buyers in the beginning stages and websites like SalesSpider are now addressing this issue.

There are over 800,000 people (and 200,000 more joining each month) networking on SalesSpider, each taking advantage of its services in different ways. One can browse through other individual business members, view sales leads by industry, look through classifieds, utilize business tools, tips, and resources, post a resume, advertise, or create a forum for their business. Individual and company needs are categorized and contain keywords in order to make connections swift and efficient. CEO of SalesSpider, Russell Rothstein says of SalesSpider, “people will always be doing self promotion – but you’re getting information for local opportunities and specifically for you. This isn’t just about business networking – it’s about sales.”

Furthermore, SalesSpider is a great tool for a business to maintain an online presence. The realm of the Internet is very important for all businesses to move into, and online promotion can be the key to generating new customers and buyers. It’s no longer enough to advertise through print or even television. Businesses and individuals are turning to the convenience and organization of the Internet to find innovative new businesses. It can be a daunting task to move to promoting your business online – many don’t know where or how to begin approaching the abyss of online advertising. But websites like SalesSpider make spreading your business to the Internet easy.

Of course, CLAi aren’t marketing or Internet sales gurus, we just make amazing film and video productions, along with advertising spots, to help your company stand out from the crowd – whatever the media!

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