From Broadband to Narrowband: A Tiny Thought

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From Broadband to Narrowband

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=”H Paragraph Text” el_id=”oustanding_creative_corporate_editing_san_jose”]There’s a revolution going on in marketing and advertising and it’s called the Internet. The difference between advertising on television versus the Internet is that TV advertising is geared towards a wide audience because you never know whether those who would buy your product or service will happen to be watching. The audience could be the perfect person to buy your product or someone who cares nothing of your company. Television advertising is like a shot in the dark. However, now that internet advertising is gaining ground, the rules have changed. Websites track their customer base and have a very specific profile of who is on their site and what they’re looking for. For example, a cat food company advertising on TV will not know for certain if their audience has a cat or not. But online this company will know if people who search for and buy cat food are viewing the website they advertise on. For every dollar you spend advertising online, the chances of hitting your desired customers are much greater.

Inc. Magazine shares 4 tips for addressing your narrow-cast audience:

1. Stay Focused – One of the advantages of online advertising is that you have the ability to know precisely who you are speaking to. So it’s wise to take advantage of that knowledge and tell your target audience what they want to hear. Focus on standing out to your narrow audience because if you’re not differentiating yourself in the marketplace, what happens is the consumer looks at price as being the motivator.

2. Show Your Expertise – Show your credibility through your advertising techniques. Try not to make broad statements, be specific about your product and show that you’re an expert. If you convince your audience that you’re an expert, they won’t turn to price as the main motivator. People want the best in the business – your job is to show them what they want to see. Sharing “tips, industry information, or niche data” will enhance the public’s opinion of your business and product.

3. Do Your Research – Now that your ideal target audience has been narrowed down, you can insert marketing and advertising strategies where it really makes sense. Advertising on websites that have similar interests to yours or already know about your business is a good start. This brings potential customers to your company’s website that might not have been able to find it otherwise. This is crucial, because once you find your target you’ll want to alter your advertising efforts to go after the right places and media to generate new business.

4. Clarify your Mission – Even seemingly simple tweaks to your business strategy can have big pay offs. Inc. Magazine recommends including the purpose of your business in the name. This offers customers with a little information about your product from the beginning. Small things like this can help you stand out in the market. Make your business mission as clear as possible; people don’t like mystery when they’re picking a product. Use advertising and marketing techniques to share what’s special about your business and stick to your niche. As Inc. shares, “it’s not just an advertisement that you do. It actually has to become part of everything you do.”

Going from broadband (television) to narrowband (internet) has great advantages but businesses still need to remain focused on their target market. It’s truly a different way of communicating because businesses must pick a specific audience and sell, sell, sell to their potential customers. The fact that the internet has increased the transparency of who will see your advertising means that businesses must be more innovative than ever before.

Marketing and advertising have moved from broad overviews of information that target the general public to narrow and detailed segments. Now is the time for your company to utilize this change and implement tools that speak to YOUR audience. And CLAi is here to help you do that.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”40″][vc_btn title=”LET’S GET A NICE CUP OF TEA? ” style=”outline” color=”mulled-wine” size=”lg” align=”center” i_align=”right” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-coffee” add_icon=”true” link=” production%2F|||” el_id=”contact_us_button”][vc_empty_space height=”60″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row]